mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008

Bibliografia su Fibonacci

Fonti principali
  • Leonardo da Pisa, Scritti di Leonardo Pisano,( Ed.) a cura di B. Boncompagni, 2 vols., Roma 1857-1862.

  • Leonardo da Pisa, Opuscoli di Leonardo Pisano, (Ed.) a cura di B. Boncompagni, Firenze, 1852. Translation into Modern English of Leonardo Pisano's Book of Calculation, traduzione di Laurence E. Sigler, Springer-Verlag, New York Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

Altre opere:
  • Abattouy M., J. Renn et P. Weinig,« Transmission as Transformations : the Translation Movement in the Medieval East and West in a Comparative Perspective », in Science in Context, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  • Abulafia D., Frederick II A Medieval Emperor, Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • Aïssani D. et al., « Les mathématiques à Bougie médiéval et Fibonacci », in Il tempo, le opere, l’eredità scientifica, Atti del Congresso internazionale di Pisa, Ed. Pacini, Pisa, 1994.
  • Allard A., « Les sources arithmetiques et le calcul indien dans le Liber Abbaci », Il tempo, le opere, l’eredità scientifica, Atti del Congresso internazionale di Pisa, Ed. Pacini, Pisa,1994.
  • Arrighi G., La fortuna di Leonardo Pisano alla corte di Federico II, « Dante e la cultura del suo tempo », Ed. Olschki, Firenze, 1970.
  • Arrighi G., La matematica dell’età di mezzo. Scritti scelti, a cura di F. Barbieri, R.Franci, L. Toti Rigatelli, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2004.
  • Benoit P., Chemla K., Ritter J., éds., Histoire de fractions, fractions d’histoire, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1992.
  • Beaujouan G.,“La science dans l’Occident médiéval chrétien”, in La Science antique et médiévale, tomo I, sotto la direzione di R. Taton, PUF, Parigi, 1966.
  • Bortolotti E., « Le fonti arabe di Leonardo Pisano » in Memorie dell’Accademia delle scienze dell’Istituto di Bologna, Vol. 8, 1929-1930.
  • De Siebenthal J., Les Mathématiques dans l’Occident Médiéval, Ed. Jene Haute, Losanna, 1993.
  • De Stefano A., La cultura alla corte di Federico II imperatore, Ed. All’insegna del Veltro, Parma 1990.
  • Djebbar A., « Les Transactions dans les mathématiques arabes : Classification, résolution et circulation », in Actes du Colloque International « Commerce et mathématiques du Moyen Age à la Renaissance, autour de la Méditerranée », Ed. C.I.H.S.O, Tolosa, 2001.
  • Egmond Van, W., Practical mathematics in the Italian Renaissance: a catalog of italian abbacus manuscripts and printed books to 1600, Ed Giunti Barbera, Firenze, 1981.
  • Egmond Van, W., « Abacus, algorisme, abbacus: methods of reckoning in the merchant cultures of Mediterranean », Actes du Colloque international du Centre International d’Histoire des Sciences Occitanes, Beaumont de Lomagne, 13-16 mai 1999.
  • Franci R. e Toti Rigatelli L., Introduzione all’aritmetica mercantile del Medioevo e del Rinascimento, Università di Siena, Siena, 1982.
  • Franci R., « Il Liber Abaci di Leonardo Fibonacci, 1202-2002», Bollettino UMI, La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, Serie VIII, Vol. V-A, Agosto 2002.
  • Giusti E., «Matematica e commercio nel Liber Abaci di Leonardo Pisano» in La scienza araba e la rinascita della matematica in Occidente. Un ponte sul mediterraneo, Ed. Il Giardino di Archimede, 2002.
  • Horst E. Federico II di Svevia, l’imperatore filosofo e poeta,Ed Rizzoli, Supersaggi, Milano, 1994.
  • Grimm R. E., « The autobiography of Leonardo Pisano », in The Fibonacci Quarterley, vol II, 1973.
  • Le Goff J., Mercanti e banchieri nel Medioevo, Ed. D’Anna, Messina–Firenze, 1977.
  • Lünenburg H., « On the notion of numbers in Leornardo Pisano’s Liber Abbaci »dans Leonardo Fibonacci, il tempo, le opere, l’eredità scientifica, Ed.Pacini, Pisa, 1994.
  • Luzzatto G., Breve storia economica dell’Italia medievale, Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, Torino 1958.
  • Maccagni C., «Leonardo Fibonacci e il rinnovamento delle matematiche» in L’Italia e i paesi mediterranei, Ed. Nistri-Lischi e Pacini, Pisa, 1988.
  • Mahoney M. S., « Mathematics », in Science in the Middle Ages a cura di E. David Lindberg, The U. Chicago Press, Chicago e Londra, 1978.
  • Morelli M. e Tangheroni M., Il tempo, le opere, l’eredità scientifica, Atti del Congresso internazionale di Pisa, Ed. Pacini, Pisa, 1994.
  • Picutti E., «Leonardo Pisano», Le Scienze, n. 164, 15 (1982).
  • Picutti E., «Il Flos di Leonardo Pisano. Traduzioni e commenti», Physis, 25 (1983).
  • Picutti E., «Il libro dei quadrati di Leonardo Pisano e i problemi di analisi indeterminata nel codice Palatino 577 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze», Physis, 21 (1979).
  • Rashed R., « Fibonacci e le matematiche arabe », in Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali (Le scienze alla corte di Federico II), Ed. Sellerio, Palermo, 1994.
  • Rashed R., Entre arithmétique et algèbre, Recherche sur l’histoire des mathématiques arabes, Ed. Les belles lettres, Parigi, 1984.
  • Sapori A., La mercatura medievale, Ed. Sansoni, Firenze, 1972.
  • Scalia G., « Contributi pisani alla lotta antiislamica nel mediterraneo centro-occidentale durante il secolo XI e nei primi decenni del secolo XII », in Anuario de Estudios Medievales, X, 1980.
  • Schramm M., “Frederick II of Hohenstaufen and Arabic Science” in Science in Context, vol. 14, 2001.
  • Serres M. (en collaboration), Elements d’histoire des sciences, Ed. Bordas, Parigi,1989.
  • Sesiano J., Une introduction à l’histoire de l’algèbre, Losanna, 2001.Smith D., History of mathematics, vol 2, New-York, Dover, 1953.
  • Tangheroni M., « Fibonacci, Pisa e il Mediterraneo », in Leonardo Fibonacci, il tempo, le opere, l’eredità scientifica, Ed. Pacini , Pisa, 1994.
  • Tangheroni M., « Islam and Europe: Thirteen Centuries of Common History », Procedings of the International Conference, Firenze, 1998.
  • Vogel, K., Article « Fibonacci, Leonardo or Leonardo of Pisa », DSB,vol IV, Oxford, 1970-1980.
  • Youschkevitch A., Les mathématiques arabes (VIIIe-XVe siècles), Ed. Vrin, Parigi, 1976.

di Eva Caianiello su unibocconi

TOPOI. The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations

Two universities – four independent Berlin research facilities – one project: Topoi brings together diverse disciplines from the humanities and earth sciences in common fundamental and theoretical research on the ancient world.

The Cluster of Excellence pursues the goal of researching the interdependence of space and knowledge in the civilizations of the Ancient Near East, the Mediterranean, and Black Sea region and parts of the Eurasian steppe from the 6th millennium BC to around AD 500. This is to serve the more fundamental purpose of investigating the spaces, spatial systems, and various types of space-related knowledge as intertwined factors in the development of ancient cultural systems.

In Topoi, paradigmatic studies are to investigate the foundations of small-scale structures up to large-scale expansive empires and variously defined and constituted spaces as well. Building on this fundamental research, Topoi will work out a theory of space as a constitutive element in the formation and transformation of cultures and societies of antiquity within an interdisciplinary framework.

more >>

Graduiertenschule für antike Philosophie

Die Graduiertenschule für antike Philosophie ist ein strukturiertes Doktorandenprogramm in antiker Philosophie. Teilnehmer des Programms können ihre Dissertationen in deutscher oder englischer Sprache über ein Thema aus dem Bereich der antiken Philosophie verfassen. Diese Arbeiten können sich auf griechische oder lateinische Originaltexte konzentrieren oder sich mit der späteren Interpretation und Aneignung antiker Theorien befassen. Das Programm besteht unter anderem aus Forschungsseminaren, Lektürekursen, Betreuung durch Tutoren, internationale Workshops und themenbezogene Kompaktseminare.

martedì 26 febbraio 2008

Maze Design

We've been working on producing mazes by computer, with input from a human designer. We're interested in two complementary questions with respect to maze design:

Complexity: What makes a maze difficult to solve? The more we consider this question, the more elusive it becomes. It's certainly possible to begin defining mathematical measures of a maze's complexity, but complexity must depend on aspects of human perception as well. For example, the eye can easily become lost in a set of parallel passages. Complexity also depends on how the maze is to be solved. Are you looking down on the maze, solving it by eye? With a pencil? What if you're walking around inside the maze? And of course, complexity isn't necessarily what we want to measure. Ultimately we'd like to generate compelling puzzles, which may or may not have a high degree of complexity.
Aesthetics: How do we construct attractive mazes, particularly mazes that resemble real-world scenes? Here, maze design interacts with problems in non-photorealistic rendering. There are many great projects for producing line drawings from images. Our goal is similar, except that our lines must also contrive to have the geometry of a maze. This additional constraint affects how we think about creating a line drawing in the first place.

lunedì 18 febbraio 2008

Philosophie de la machine

Frédéric VENGEON

Philosophie de la machine
La machine est un élément essentiel de notre monde contemporain qui n’a pas encore été l’objet d’un traitement philosophique autonome et synthétique. Il s’agira de dégager la notion de machine de son interprétation philosophique dominante, qui la conçoit comme un dispositif de transformation de la nature.

Or, avant d’être assignée à une transformation de la nature, la technique met en œuvre la puissance productrice par laquelle l’homme construit son propre monde. La machine appartient bien au domaine de la technique et participe à l’artificialité du monde humain. L’analyse de la notion de machine est donc reconduite vers l’élaboration d’une anthropologie philosophique.

Nous proposons de définir la machine comme la mise en place d’automatismes permettant le déclenchement et la répétition d’opérations déterminées.

Cette définition, qu’il faudra confronter à son objet et aux interprétations traditionnelles, vise à dégager la machine de toute matérialité prédéterminée, pour la comprendre comme un agencement et un séquençage d’actions, dont les applications sont nomades et polymorphes. De ce fait, son champ d’application est en droit coextensif à celui de l’agir humain. Cependant, si elle concerne fondamentalement l’agir, elle exige de repenser l’articulation du théorique et du pratique : la machine intervient à la fois dans des réalisations effectives et comme paradigme d’intelligibilité, grâce auquel l’esprit modélise les éléments des complexités à connaître. C’est bien dans cette puissance artificielle, à la racine de la théorie et de la pratique, que nous devons ressaisir les automatismes de la machine.

Nous mènerons donc, en collaboration avec des spécialistes, une série d’études pluridisciplinaires consacrées aux différents champs d’application de la machine. Le fonctionnement des machines concerne donc bien sûr la sphère économique avec la production de marchandises et d’infrastructures (une théorie économique de la machine et des innovations techniques est centrale pour comprendre le dynamisme du capitalisme). Elle concerne encore la sphère des institutions à la fois juridiques et scientifiques avec la mise en place de procédures réglées et impersonnelles qui ont en charge la production de l’objectivité nécessaire pour l’administration de la justice ou la validation collective des preuves ; la sphère de la science proprement dite et des opérations de l’esprit, avec la formalisation du calcul, les dispositifs expérimentaux, les traitement des données et des observations dans des modèles prédictifs ; la sphère bio-médicale avec l’objectivation du corps, l’évolution de l’appareillage prothétique, l’instrumentalisation du vivant ; une théorie de la subjectivité prise dans la tension entre réflexivité et opérativité (avec une théorie des habitudes, la critique deleuzienne de la psychanalyse et une théorie du rituel) ; la sphère esthétique tant au niveau des œuvres elles mêmes (dans les différents arts) que de leur production et de leur mise en circulation ; la sphère de la cybernétique et du traitement des informations avec ses enjeux cognitifs et socio-politiques.

Ces analyses devront permettre de problématiser l’institution du monde humain.

  • Nicolas de Cues, Trialogus de Possest, trad. P.Caye, D.Larre, P.Magnard, F.Vengeon, Paris, Vrin, 2007

  • La machine, ouvrage collectif, Frédéric Vengeon éditeur, collection Théma, Vrin, Paris, à paraître à l’automne 2007

  • Nicolas de Cues, De la docte ignorance, P.Caye, D.Larre, P.Magnard, F.Vengeon, Paris, Garnier-Flammarion, en cours (publication prévue pour l’automne 2007)

  • « Un temps pour l’éternité, le temps dans la pensée d’Augustin » in Le temps, collection Thema, Paris, Vrin, à paraître en avril 2007

  • « Mathématiques, création et humanisme chez Nicolas de Cues » in Revue d’histoire des sciences, Tome 59-2, Armand Colin, Paris, p.219-243, juillet-décembre 2006

Third Conference of the ESHS

Vienna, September 10 - 12, 2008
Hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences

The Third Conference of the European Society for the History of Science is devoted to the topic Styles of Thinking in Science and Technology.

In 1994 the late Alistair Crombie published his monumental work ‚Styles of Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition’. He distinguished between six „styles of inquiry, demonstration and explanation diversified by their subject-matters, by their general conceptions of nature, and by scientific experience“ (publisher’s prospectus): postulation, the experimental argument, hypothetical modelling, taxonomy, probabilistic and statistical analysis, historical derivation.

Fourteen years later it is time to reconsider this fascinating topical subject, in order to broaden earlier, Eurocentric approaches. Which philosophical, cultural, religious, political, economic influences can be identified that led to certain styles of thinking in science and technology all over the world and that influenced their further development ? Cross-cultural influences and interrelations are of special interest. How are such traditions of thinking transmitted to later generations, to other cultures ? How are they modified in the course of history ?

The Third Conference of the European Society for the History of Science would like to give a platform to all historians and philosophers of science and technology who are interested in these questions. Vienna with its scientific and cultural institutions that played a crucial role in the history of science is an ideal city for such an event.

Eberhard Knobloch, President of the ESHS

Scholars and doctoral students interested in the theme of the conference are invited to take part. The conference is not restricted to ESHS members or to Europeans and residents of Europe. Giving a lecture or paper is not a necessary condition to be a participant.

Call for Papers
This is a first Call for Papers. Please send an abstract (of not more than one page, in electronic form) of the paper you intend to present. Please indicate by one or two sentences what is new in your paper. Do not submit papers which were presented already at other occasions, or papers which will be presented in identical form later.
The Conference language is English.
Proposals for sessions or groups of papers are requested until 15 November 2007. The organizers will try to arrange the conference schedule so that papers on related topics will be presented together.

Proposals for sessions and symposia: Until 15 November 2007.
Abstracts of papers: 1 January to 15 March 2008.
Notification of acceptance of papers will be given until 15 April 2008.
Registration: 1 January to 1 June 2008
(conference fee 99 euros, after 1 June 2008, 140 euros)

c/o Kommission für die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Medizin
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
A-1010 Wien
Fax: +43 1 51581 2459


Matematica, anima segreta dell'arte

Il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia - con il patrocinio del Liceo "Fanti" di Carpi e il contributo di Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, MIUR, Assessorati all'Istruzione di Comune e Provincia di Modena -

presenta la mostra
Matematica: anima segreta dell'arte....
17 gennaio - 28 febbraio 2008
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata “G. Vitali”
Via Campi, 213/b 41100 Modena

e le conferenze

Oltre l'ipercubo
Simmetrie di scala nelle opere di Escher
12 febbraio 2008 ore 15.00
Prof. Gian Marco Todesco (Università di Roma 3)

Visibili armonie: cinema e matematica
28 febbraio 2008 ore 15.00
Prof. Michele Emmer (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Visibili armonie: cinema e matematica


Mathematics and Knowledge
Milano, 22-24 maggio 2008
Politecnico di Milano
Direttori scientifici: Michele Emmer, Alfio Quarteroni

La matematica crea ponti fra conoscenza, tradizione e vita quotidiana. Il continuo sviluppo e la crescita delle sue molteplici ramificazioni, sia classiche che moderne, dona linfa vitale a tutti gli aspetti delle scienze applicate e della tecnologia, e ha un impatto fondamentale sulla nostra società.
Il convegno ospiterà conferenze plenarie su invito di scienziati di rinomanza mondiale così come contributi esterni di ricercatori e docenti, su ogni aspetto dell'interazione fra matematica e argomenti scientifici, tecnici, artistici e sociologici.

Deadline per la sottomissione di contributi: 15 febbraio 2007

Conferenze plenarie:
  • Ralph Abraham (UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz)

  • Chris Bosse (PTW Architects, Sydney)

  • Andrew Crumey - Martin Groetschel (ZIB, Berlin)

  • Peter Marcowich (U. Vienna)
  • Claudio Procesi (U. La Sapienza, Roma)
  • Clive Ruggles (U. Leicester)

  • Ismail Serageldin (Bibl. Alexandrina)

  • Amin Shokrollahi (EPFL, Lausanne)
Per iscrizioni, invio di proposte, e ogni informazione:

domenica 17 febbraio 2008

European Manuscript Server Initiative

The Purpose of this page at the present stage of development is to test certain procedures of access and control. In addition to this, it is to provide non-registred user with a preview of the basic functions of the European Manuscript Server Initiative.

Western Medieval Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library

The Cataloguing of Western Medieval Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library: a TEI approachwith an appendix describing a TEI-conformant manuscript description.

There are three main series of published catalogues of the western manuscripts at the Bodleian Library: the so-called `Quarto' catalogues, published between 1845 and 1900, in quarto format, which cover the major collections acquired (for the most part) in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Coxe 1845-1900); the Summary Catalogue , published between 1895 and 1953, which covers the manuscripts acquired from 1602 to 1915, except those already described in the Quarto catalogues (Madan 1895-1953); and the Summary Catalogue of Post-Medieval Western Manuscripts , published in 1991, which covers most post-medieval manuscripts acquired between 1916 and 1975 (Clapinson and Rogers 1991). In January 1996 the Library began a four-year project, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), under the Non-Formula Funding Specialised Research Collections initiative, the purpose of which is to make available descriptions of the medieval western manuscripts acquired by the Library since 1916, for which no full published catalogue yet exists. For more detailed bibliographical information on the catalogues of western manuscripts at the Bodleian, see

Associazione Italiana Informatica Etica

L’Associazione Italiana informatica Etica Onlus nasce con l’intento di coinvolgere istituzioni, enti, associazioni, scuole, aziende e persone comuni ad abbattere tutte le barriere che si interpongono tra il Computer e l’Utente.
Abbattere l’esclusione digitale e sociale è il nostro obiettivo. Questa strada è percorribile attraverso l’informazione, la sensibilizzazione e la diffusione di tutti quegli strumenti utili alla comprensione ed alla sperimentazioni di nuovi orizzonti informatici. Come ottenere questo? Attraverso la divulgazione delle informazioni; abbattendo le barriere architettoniche ed economiche; facendo inchieste, denunce, interviste; raccogliendo opinioni idee e proposte; sviluppando progetti e studi, in collaborazione con l’università ed enti di ricerca. Aiutateci a divulgare i nostri intenti, ad abbattere le barriere sociali, culturali, economiche e strutturali per dare un aspetto più umano all’informatica e per abbattere l’esclusione sotto tutti i punti di vista. Ne possiamo discutere insieme?

Roma nel Rinascimento

Roma nel Rinascimento promuove un’attività di studio e di ricerca sulla cultura e la società romana dal tardo Medioevo al Rinascimento (dall’inizio del Trecento fino alla metà del Cinquecento), svolta prevalentemente dai soci, che sono studiosi di discipline diverse (storici, storici dell’arte e dell’architettura, filologi, paleografi, storici della letteratura) inseriti in differenti realtà istituzionali: archivi, biblioteche, scuole, università.
Come linee di ricerca sono state sinora privilegiate: a) il censimento di materiali prevalentemente inediti (manoscritti, epigrafi e documenti) prodotti a Roma; b) lo studio della stampa romana del Quattrocento e del primo Cinquecento: tipografi operanti a Roma; manoscritti utilizzati in tipografia; costo del libro manoscritto e a stampa; c) lo studio della realtà socio-economica romana attraverso l’esame dei protocolli notarili dal pontificato di Martino V (1417-1431) a quello di Sisto IV (1471-1484); d) lo studio dei rapporti politici, culturali, socio-economici tra Spagna e Roma all’epoca dei re Cattolici; e) lo studio dei pontificati di Martino V, Sisto IV e Alessandro VI; f) lo studio del Trecento romano attraverso l’analisi dei rapporti tra Francesco Petrarca e Roma; g) l’Accademia romana e Pomponio Leto.

Roma nel Rinascimento organizza cicli di conferenze, corsi di specializzazione, seminari e convegni, sempre fortemente caratterizzati da un approccio multidisciplinare.
Tra le iniziative più significative si ricordano:
i due seminari dedicati a Scrittura, biblioteche e stampa a Roma nel Quattrocento (realizzati nel 1979 e nel 1982), il seminario Fonti per la storia del Lazio (svoltosi nel 1989), i convegni relativi ai pontificati di Sisto IV (Un pontificato ed una città. Sisto IV. 1471-1484, realizzato nel 1984) e Martino V (Alle origini della nuova Roma. Martino V. 1417-1431, realizzato nel 1992), una serie di convegni dedicati al pontificato di Alessandro VI (1492-1503), il convegno su Petrarca e Roma (Roma, 2-4 dicembre 2004), la giornata di studi su Pomponio Leto e la prima Accademia romana (2 dicembre 2005), la giornata di studi Per un Bilancio storiografico della ricerca su Roma in età rinascimentale (6 novembre 2006).

RM Calendario

RM Calendario (già Calendario della Medievistica) si propone come una banca dati aggiornata sull'attività storiografica internazionale legata ai convegni e agli incontri di studio che si tengono ogni giorno nel mondo nell'ambito degli studi medievali, e come un archivio digitale - percorribile attraverso un apposito motore di ricerca - per reperire informazioni essenziali, e spesso preziose (resoconti, uscita degli atti, etc.), che altrimenti rischiano di andare perdute non appena trascorso l’incontro.

Progetto DELOS

DELOS is a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries partially funded by the European Commission in the frame of the Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). The main objectives of DELOS are research, whose results are in the public domain, and technology transfer, through cooperation agreements with interested parties.

The Silk Road Online

IDP [International Dunhuang Project] is a ground-breaking international collaboration to make information and images of all manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from Dunhuang and archaeological sites of the Eastern Silk Road freely available on the Internet and to encourage their use through educational and research programmes.

Tens of thousands of images along with catalogues, translations, historical photographs, archaeological site plans and much more are already freely available to all on the IDP DATABASE (add your search term in the box to the left or go to Advanced Search). This multilingual website and database is hosted by IDP's members in Britain, China, Russia, Japan and Germany.

Read more about IDP

Historische Hilfswissenschaften

Diese Zusammenstellung ist Teil der Deutschen Datenquellen (German subject tree) - vgl. den derzeitigen "Geschäftsverteilungsplan" - im Rahmen der Virtual Library. Erstellt im April 2000 von Georg Vogeler (Historisches Seminar der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Abteilung Geschichtliche Hilfswissenschaften), Patrick Sahle (Universität zu Köln), Prof. Horst Enzensberger. (Universität Bamberg) und Prof. Thomas Frenz (Universität Passau). Um die Mitteilung von Kritik, Korrekturen und Ergänzungen wird gebeten (allgemeines Kontaktformular oder an die entsprechenden Sektionsbearbeiter).


I thought you'd be interested in a website I found called Footnote where you can: Search and view millions of original historical documents, upload your own images and share them with others, annotate, comment on and use the images you find or upload, easily publish information about people, places, events or anything else you're interested in. You'll find it here:

Duke Papyrus Archive

The Duke Papyrus Archive provides electronic access to texts about and images of nearly 1400 papyri from ancient Egypt. The target audience includes: papyrologists, ancient historians, archaeologists, biblical scholars, classicists, Coptologists, Egyptologists, students of literature and religion and all others interested in ancient Egypt. The project of conserving, interpreting, cataloguing and imaging the largely unpublished Duke papyrus collection was supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities , and is part of the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) Project. Project staff at Duke have included Steven L. Hensen, John F. Oates, Peter van Minnen, Suzanne D. Corr, Paolo Mangiafico, Joshua Sosin, and John Bauschatz.

Search page

Database machine drawings

The database DMD is part of the research project The Relation of Practical Experience and Conceptual Structures in the Emergence of Science: Mental Models in the History of Mechanics, a project pursued by Department I of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin, headed by Jürgen Renn. In its context, a large number of original sources concerning the history of mechanics have been made available on the Internet as a digital research library, the Archimedes Project. In this broader context the database DMD is especially devoted to studying the practical knowledge of early modern engineers.

Learn more

Data base di manoscritti online

Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) represents the efforts of an international group of Assyriologists, museum curators and historians of science to make available through the internet the form and content of cuneiform tablets dating from the beginning of writing, ca. 3350 BC, until the end of the pre-Christian era. We estimate the number of these documents currently kept in public and private collections to exceed 500,000 exemplars, of which now nearly 225,000 have been catalogued in electronic form by the CDLI.
learn more

Biblioteche europee online

Biblioteche nazionali europee online


Atelier de Recherche sur les Textes Médiévaux dell'Université de Nancy

The Electronic Grosseteste

Web-site dedicated to providing electronic access to the Latin works of Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253). Materials relating to Grosseteste's life and the thirteenth century may also be found here.


Sito della Società Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche


Sito ufficiale delle Recherches Epistémologiques et Historiques sur les Sciences Exactes et les Institutions Scientifiques

The MacTutor History of Mathematics

Archivio di storia della matematica della School of Mathematics and Statistics della University of St Andrews - Scotland

Bibliography By Topic of the Mathematical Sciences in the Medieval Islamic World

Mathematical Sciences in the Medieval Islamic World by Jeff Oaks


More than a hundred years ago an extraordinary mechanism was found by sponge divers at the bottom of the sea near the island of Antikythera. It astonished the whole international community of experts on the ancient world. Was it an astrolabe? Was in an orrery or an astronomical clock? Or something else? For decades, scientific investigation failed to yield much light and relied more on imagination than the facts. However research over the last half century has begun to reveal its secrets. It dates from around the 1st century B.C. and is the most sophisticated mechanism known from the ancient world. Nothing as complex is known for the next thousand years. The Antikythera Mechanism is now understood to be dedicated to astronomical phenomena and operates as a complex mechanical "computer" which tracks the cycles of the Solar System.


Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften


The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) represents the efforts of an international group of Assyriologists, museum curators and historians of science to make available through the internet the form and content of cuneiform tablets dating from the beginning of writing, ca. 3350 BC, until the end of the pre-Christian era. We estimate the number of these documents currently kept in public and private collections to exceed 500,000 exemplars, of which now nearly 225,000 have been catalogued in electronic form by the CDLI. learn more
